Industrial Area | SESCO Group

Ignore at Your Peril

There is an adage that says something like ’ignore your dental problems and they will eventually go away.’  Have you ever thought of that saying as your dentist performed a smooth ‘walletectomy’ on you in the past?  Our Staff of talented and extremely experienced professionals often discuss environmental regulatory letters that go out to business owners, tenants, current and former property owners and/or other potential responsible parties requesting information or calling for action. It is amazing to all of us the number of good, hard working people who choose to simply ignore those letters. In all seriousness, just like ignoring dental problems, ignoring regulatory agency letters are done so at your personal peril.


We all know bad news does not get better with age.  Often that dreaded letter is simply a request for innocuous information or property use/ownership history and may not have much or even any meaning or application for you. Burying your head in the sand as you bury that letter in the trash will not answer any questions, allay any fears or eliminate any obligation you may have.  Akin to allowing fear of the dentist to stop you from enjoying the benefits of good oral health, do not allow fear or procrastination to keep you from getting sound environmental advice, peace-of-mind, manage liability, or perhaps extract you from the situation all together.  Ignoring either issue will most likely cost you much more down the road.  Those letters will not stop, disappear or get more pleasant the longer they are ignored. Who would be so foolish while driving their car as to look in a rear-view mirror and spot a police car’s flashing lights but decide to ignore them just because the whole experience may be unpleasant?  Not many.  So, let’s pull that letter out of the drawer or trash and contact SESCO Group for a no cost, no obligation, CONFIDENTIAL environmental review.


While some consultants may try to put your size 9 foot in a size 7 shoe, SESCO Group will prepare an environmental plan with your options and obligations clearly spelled out to help you find solutions, not manufacture fears.  Take a deep breath and call SESCO Group today.  We’ve assisted countless property owners in restoring their property value to its full market potential while simultaneously navigating their site through the regulatory maze and minimizing their environmental liability. Let us assist you today so you can focus your energy and efforts on your business operations.  Do not ignore those letters any longer.


If you are reading this environmental Blog, you are already on our website. Explore our fantastic site and see who SESCO Group is and what we can do for you today. Before you close your visit on our site catch a glimpse of the common-sense value that comes with successful experience. Call SESCO Group and let us listen to what you have, what you need and what you want.

SESCO Group. Peace of Mind, Restored.

Carla J. Gill, Director of Remediation Services, CHMM / Stephen W. Gray, Senior Project Manager, LPG