Let’s just say you have environmental concerns, want to buy some commercial property, are worried there might be the possibility of hazardous contamination coming on to your property from a neighboring operating facility or perhaps received the dreaded letter from a regulatory agency notifying you of an ominous, determination warning you of impending calamity or worse yet, you have had a release. You may be sophisticated and experienced but wondering if perhaps it is time to consider a new choice to lead your environmental investigations to get your project completed. You may be the novice lost but searching for a solution to your legal, insurance and regulatory uncertainty. Where do you turn? How do you choose? Regardless of your professional and environmental status, experience level or environmental distress, you can find and contract with the right environmental consultant, and do so, with great confidence.
First off, let’s consider what do you have, what do you need and what do you want? In this selection process you must do your due diligence. You have a problem and an environmental need and concern so now you must decide what kind of help is best for your situation. You have an environmental issue, so you should to talk to a qualified, environmental professional. Review your environmental concern, need, problem or release and begin to determine which environmental consulting group is best suited to meet that need. Pull up the web and type in what you have, what you need and what you want. Select 2-3 local, environmental consultants that appear to have coverage for the type of service and area you might require. Not the shiniest building necessarily or the largest staff assembled will be the best choice for you. Why not pick the consultant that appears to be entrepreneurially nimble? Since determining that aspect isn’t easily done from most websites why not do the radical?
In this day of telephone, text, email, skype and video conferencing why not do the radical and visit personally with your candidates? Nobody likes to be sold but a visit is a great idea. Malcolm Gladwell in his bestselling book ‘Blink’ talks in depth about most people’s ability to make the right decision within their first few moments of being presented with their options. Old fashioned, face to face, you talk, and they listen type of meeting. Search for the common sense, practical calm that comes with successful experience. You just might be surprised if you take a new look or a fresh look at your next environmental consultant.
Call SESCO Group and let us listen to what you have, what you need and what you want. We will come by, listen thoroughly and craft a response you are looking for. SESCO Group. Peace of Mind, Restored.
Robert Stover, Vice President Sales & Marketing